Zerostart 3600072 Series Y Cordset, 96" Heater Cord, 24" T-Stat Cord

Part Number:880-3600072
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$185.49 USD
Zerostart 3600072 Series Y Cordset, 96" Heater Cord, 24" T-Stat Cord
Qty in Stock: 1
Quantity in Stock reflects available inventory as of 5:00 AM CST.

Product Details

Special Notes
DISCONTINUED - Availability limited to stock on hand
Product Description
Manufacturer: Zerostart
Part Number: 3600072
Condition: New
Zerostart 3600072 Series Y Cordset, 96" Heater Cord, 24" T-Stat Cord
Volts: 125
Amps: 15
Dual Indicator Light Connectors
Thermostat Cord Length: 2ft.
Heater Cord Length: 8ft.

Selecting the Appropriate Cordset

  1. Determine the location of the dual indicator light location on the outside of the cab
  2. Determine the location of the engine block heater
  3. Route the path the cordset will be installed from the dual indicator light to the engine block
  4. Measure the length of the determined path
  5. Determine the location of the thermostat on the engine block
  6. Route the path the cordset will be installed from the dual indicator light to the thermostat
  7. Measure the length of the determined path
  8. Determine the appropriate cordset using the Series Y-Cord chart in the pictures above

Cross References: 3600072, 880-3600072
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.

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