Axle Tool Head for Stemco Guardian 308-0853 and 308-0856 and 310-1093 Axle Rings

Part Number:740-5555070
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$18.88 USD
Axle Tool Head for Stemco Guardian 308-0853 and 308-0856 and 310-1093 Axle Rings
Qty in Stock: 2
Add'l Qty (1-4 days): 5
Quantity in Stock reflects available inventory as of 5:00 AM CST.

Product Details

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Product Description
Used to install Stemco seals into the hub
Use with Stemco 5550001 universal tool body
Installs the following axle rings/seal kits: 308-0853, 308-0856, 310-1093, 382-8053, and 382-8056

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