141.D268SD Brake Pad Set for Meritor ADB1560 Air Disc Brake

Part Number:052-141D268SD
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$322.13 USD
141.D268SD Brake Pad Set for Meritor ADB1560 Air Disc Brake
Qty in Stock: 4
Add'l Qty (1-4 days): 1
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Product Details

Special Notes
Product Details
Part Number: 141.D268SD
Fits certain Freightliner and Mack trucks with Rockwell disc brakes
Semi-Metallic Carbon Fiber Brake Pads
4 disc brake pads
Does one axle
High quality brake pads give longer life and lower maintenance costs
FMSI Shoe Number: D268
FMSI Lining Number:7173, 7811
MD268 Schematic Drawing

Cross References: 141.D268SD, 141D268SD, 052-141D268SDD268, KIT15615PM, D268-CT, A1-3222-K-1545, A103222W1791, A103222Y1793, A16-3222-K-1545, A21-3222-U-1685, A27-3222-U-1685, A27-3722U1685, A28-3222-U-1685, A30-3222U1685, A31-3222-U-1685, A31-32222-K-1545, A32-3222-K-1545, A33-3222-U-1685, A33222W1791, A33222Y1793, A35-3222-K-1545, A36-3222-K-1545, A38-3222-K-1545, A38-3222-K-1545, A39-3222-K-1545, A39-3222-K-1545, A41-3222-K-1545, A47-3222-U-1685, A55-3222-K-1545, A57-3222-K-1545, A7-3555-U-1685, KIT-15604BX, KIT-15607RM, KIT-15609RM, KIT-15610CF, KIT-15611RM, KIT-15612RM, KIT-15614RM, 594153C92, 1118308
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.

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